New Generations
spiritual poverty

Access to the Gospel in South Asia

Help provide access to the Gospel for 354 unreached people groups in South Asia by training 1,850 national disciple makers and church planters on Integrated Disciple Making Movement (IDMM) by 2028.
helps plant one underground church among the unreached in South Asia.

1.3 billion people with no access to the Gospel.

One undisclosed country in South Asia is home to 1.35 billion unreached people and 2,048 unreached people groups (JP). In other words, 1.35 billion people have virtually no access to a Bible, a Christian, a church and will likely never hear the Gospel in their lifetime. We get to help change that.

Program Activities

All Access members are helping New Generations engage 354 unreached people groups in 12 states in South Asia. Every quarter over the next five years, New Generations and their implementing partner (undisclosed for safety) will train 350 Christian leaders and 1,500 disciple makers on Integrated Disciple Making Movement (IDMM) methodology to catalyze a chain reaction of disciples making disciples and churches planting churches.

Expected Outputs and Outcomes

In 2024 alone, we expect this program to result in 10+ new movements (100+ fourth-generation churches) with 2,750+ new churches and 33,000+ new disciples among these 354 unreached engagements.


helps plant one underground church among the unreached in South Asia.

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spiritual poverty
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