Behind the Scenes with All Access: Updates from Lane Kipp's trips to South Asia and the Middle East

Written by
Lane Kipp, ThM
Published on
November 5, 2024
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Advancing Effective Giving On The Ground

At All Access, we're committed to maximizing our impact for the most unreached people across the globe, and recent trips to South Asia and the Middle East have confirmed that our strategy is indeed working. Visiting these regions, I was privileged to sit with church planners and leaders who are at the center of transformative movements. It was invigorating to see firsthand the genuine changes taking place—lives transformed, communities renewed, and hope instilled in places where previously there had been none.

Our approach revolves around a disciplined process that involves monitoring and evaluating our portfolio partners’ programs for the impact they’re having on both spiritual and physical poverty. This trip was an opportunity to see the results of those evaluations on the ground. We met leaders from hundreds of churches active among unreached people groups, each movement affirming that our strategy holds weight. The use of our funds was evident in tangible outcomes—I heard accounts from over 30 people in four distinct regions, confirming the authenticity and impact of the initiatives we support.

For instance, one story that stood out involved a woman who shared how her life was transformed from being controlled by addiction to finding peace and purpose. She recounted her journey from a life dominated by alcohol and anger to one of serenity after being introduced to the gospel by a local disciple. Her newfound faith led her back to her family, transforming her household into a sanctuary of peace. This kind of lifecycle change showcases why our meticulous method of selecting high-impact projects works and how it’s bearing fruit in the field.

The Complexity of Giving Wisely

The success stories certainly affirm our efforts, but they also illuminate a complex landscape. Giving effectively, especially in regions prone to resistance and fraud, is far from straightforward. The political, religious, and cultural contexts in South Asia and the Middle East present multifaceted challenges. For every success, there are numerous potential pitfalls—missteps that could negate the positive impact we’re striving for.

Our approach is designed to reduce these risks by engaging local and global experts who understand the intricacies of each context. We ensure that all funds are directed with care, used strictly for making disciples, training church planners, and planting churches. On my recent trip, we underscored this by consulting with local experts who have an intimate understanding of the region’s dynamics.

Navigating the financial regulations in these countries is particularly challenging, which is why involving a knowledgeable accountant was vital. By thoroughly vetting each program and ensuring the highest standards of accountability, we minimize opportunities for misuses such as funds being redirected for personal gain.

Advised giving is not just a luxury—it's a necessity in complex regions. Our advised approach acts as a safeguard to ensure that resources reach their intended goal. Think of it as similar to the meticulous management of investments—it requires data-driven insights and ongoing oversight for optimal outcomes. Our All Access Fund leverages a similar disciplined strategy to direct resources where they will have the greatest impact in alleviating both spiritual and physical poverty.

Theology’s Role in Effective Charity

The integration of theology into our mission is not merely an addition—it is essential to the core of what we do. Understanding and aligning theological concepts with the practical work on the ground ensures that our partners are not just building communities, but cultivating theologically sound churches capable of inspiring true, sustainable change.

When I engage with our partners, the dialogue often includes theological discussions. This is crucial because terms like "church" and "disciple-making" must be biblically grounded and contextually relevant. While I am not directly engaged in extensive theological training, the exchange of theological insights forms a pivotal part of our discussions with local leaders.

Our partners must be theologically equipped to lead their movements with sound doctrine. Therefore, we emphasize that theological depth is as crucial as logistical and operational efficiency. Movements that are growing disciples must be rooted in accurate biblical teaching—without this, the risk of developing unhealthy or misaligned doctrines increases.

These leaders, often in environments hostile to the Christian faith, find themselves not only in need of these theological foundations but also hungry for more wisdom and guidance. We are committed to supporting them in becoming spiritual leaders who can advance the mission of making disciples and planting churches, firmly based on the truth of the gospel.

Urgency and Hope: A Call to Action

As I traveled through these densely populated places, what struck me was the scale of spiritual poverty—countless individuals have never heard the gospel. In some regions, over 200 million people lacked access to even the simplest understanding of Christ’s message. This realization highlights a staggering disparity—while resources are ample in the West, they are scarcely reaching those in desperate need of spiritual nourishment.

If we can align just a fraction of the substantial funds donated annually to charity, focusing those resources effectively through our strategy, we can change this reality. This effort requires collective action and sustained commitment to give effectively and courageously.

All Access exists to bridge this gap. Our mission is to create pathways so that every person worldwide has access to the gospel and the means to live with physical dignity. This is not just a vision; it is a necessity. We encourage more funders to adopt this mindset and join us in this mission, not just through support but through sharing a vision that turns compassion into actionable change.

In conclusion, the trip reminded me why we do this work—the stories of transformation, the challenges, and the profound need all underline the urgency of our mission. We cannot afford to sit idly by when the solution lies within reach. By effectively channeling resources with wisdom and precision, we can create lasting impact and tangible hope in the lives of millions. Let's not just envision a better world—let's act together to make it a reality.

Lane Kipp, ThM
Founder and Managing Director